Материал сайта www.arptek.com

You are the superuser who is approaching the system from a daily management perspective, who creates users, assigns responsibilities, creates and supervises workflows. You are also in charge of the webserver and the technical infrastructure and security.

  • Detailed user management & customization.
    Ready-to-run defaults combined with an extreme level of customizing options (defined in Arp.Site syntax) provide the possibility to fine tune the backend authoring environment for every user or whole groups and subgroups.
  • Permission control.
    Access control of pages is available on user, owner and group scheme. Additional security provided by locking users to certain mountpoints in the page tree.
  • User management and overview
    Authorize backend users and groups to access and edit only certain objects and modules in certain sections of the website. Simple or complex roles can be assigned to users. An overview tool makes it easy to analyse the permissions of a large amounts of users. The systems scales from a handfull to thousands of users and groups with ease.
  • Pageview statistics
    Statistics are available ranging from simple internal hit-counters to advanced analysis of standard or extended logfiles written out by Arp.Site. Furthermore, page impressions made by previews from staff members can be excluded, so only true page hits from customers are written to logfiles: You get a precise picture of your success on the web.
  • Workflow engine
    A straight line workflow engine makes production and approval of content a breeze in a workgroup of authors, editors and reviewers.
  • Simultaneous Editing Warning
    Simultaneous editing and potential loss of work is prevented since a warning sign is displayed to users trying to access a record already opened. To administrators, the time since the record has been accessed and the user name is visible.
  • Task Center for workgroup collaboration
    A powerful Task Center provides administrators, authors and editors with a To-Do list, messaging system, notepad, and shortcuts to recently processed objects.
  • Logging
    All backend activitites are logged and changes can be monitored, tracked and rolled back. This prevents accidental loss of information.
  • Raw database access
    Arp.Siteacts like an advanced database manager with a high-level frontend for manipulating database content. You are allowed to do really low level operation of the database.
  • Advanced multilevel caching
    Demanding processes such as generation of menus and image scaling is done only once due to the caching capabilities of Arp.Site. Calculations are made on the first request and subsequently served from the internal cache.
  • Staging System included
    Arp.Site can be configured to be used in a Live-/Production Server Environment dividing the Production Server from the Webserver for maximum security and webserver performance.

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